Peer reviewed and indexed journals – 31 publications
Landmark publications – Serial Nos. 1, 7, 10 (work on Hirayama Disease was one of the early works from India; Co-author of international guideline on Hirayama disease)
- Lyu F, Zheng C, Wang H, Nie C, Ma X, Xia X, Zhu W, Jin X, Hu Y, Sun Y, Zhu Y, Kuwabara S, Cortese R, Hassan KM, Takai K, Paredes I, Webere R, Turk M, Kimura J, Jiang J. Establishment of a clinician-led guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of Hirayama disease using a modified Delphi technique. Clinical Neurophysiology 2020; 131: 1311-1319.
- Prasad K, Kumar A, Misra S, Yadav AK, Johri S, Sarkar RS, Gorthi SP, Hassan KM, Prabhakar S, Misra UK, Kumar P, for InveST Study Group. Reliability and validity of telephonic Barthel Index: an experience from multi-centric randomized control study. Acta Neurologica Belgica 2018; 118, 53–59.
- Kumar D, Singh RP, Hooda AK, Deswal BS, Hassan KM. Lifestyle risk factors of stroke in young Indians. The Journal of Community Health Management 2018;5(1):2-9.
- Prasad K, Sharma A, Garg A, Mohanty S, Bhatnagar S, Johri S, Singh KK, Nair V, Sarkar RS, Gorthi SP, Hassan KM, Prabhakar S, Marwaha N, Khandelwal N, Misra UK, Kalita J, Nityanand S, for InveST Study Group. Intravenous Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Stem Cell Therapy for Ischemic Stroke: A Multicentric, Randomized Trial. Stroke 2014; 45: 3618–3624.
- Hassan KM, Prakash S, Majumdar SS, Banerji A. Two cases of medically refractory spontaneous orthostatic headaches with normal cerebrospinal fluid pressures responding to epidural blood patching: Intracranial hypotension versus hypovolemia and the need for clinical awareness. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2013; 16:699-702.
- Hassan KM, Verma A, Prakash S, Chandran V, Kumar S, Banerji A. Prevalence and association of lifestyle factors with extracranial carotid atherosclerosis in non-cardioembolic anterior circulation strokes in adult males less than 50 years: One-year cross-sectional study. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2013; 16:516-20.
- Hassan KM and Sahni H. Review Article. Nosology of Juvenile Muscular Atrophy of Distal Upper Extremity: From Monomelic Amyotrophy to Hirayama Disease — Indian Perspective. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. BioMed Research International. Volume 2013, Article ID 478516, 12 pages.
- Hassan KM, Banerji A, Kumar D. Reversible diencephalic dysfunction as presentation of deep cerebral venous thrombosis due to hyper-homocysteinemia and protein S deficiency: documentation of a case. J Neurosci Rural Pract 2013 Apr – Jun;4(2):193-96.
- Hassan KM, Jha A, Sirohi YS, Gorthi SP. Clinical and Genetic Approach to an Adolescent Male with Toe Walking. Neurology Clinics. National Neurosciences Update 2012. Army Hospital (R and R). ISBN:978-81-923030-1-7:157-69.
- Hassan KM, Sahni H, Jha A. Clinical and radiological profile of Hirayama disease – a flexion myelopathy due to tight cervical dural canal amenable to collar therapy. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2012;15(2):106-112.
- Hassan KM, Deb P, Bhatoe HS. Idiopathic hypertrophic cranial pachymeningitis: Three biopsy- proven cases including one case with abdominal pseudotumour and review of the literature. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2011; 14:189-93.
- Hassan KM. ‘Beta-interferons’ and ‘oligoclonal bands’ in multiple sclerosis in India. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2011; 14:140.
- Hassan KM. Fractional arm weakness as presentation of stroke due to posterior borderzone infarct: a report of two cases. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2010; 13:302-304.
- Sagar A, Hassan KM. Drug interaction as cause of spontaneously resolving epidural spinal hematoma on warfarin therapy. J Neurosci Rural Pract 2010;1(1):39-42.
- Deb P, Sharma S, Hassan KM. Pathophysiologic mechanisms of acute ischemic stroke: An overview with emphasis on therapeutic significance beyond thrombolysis. Pathophysiology 2010; 17:197-218.
- Hassan KM, Rohatgi S. Brain Attack: Time to Act Now. Medical Journal Armed Forces India Jan 2009;65(1):62-65.
- Hassan KM, Rohatgi S. Brain Attack and Stroke Team concept in Thrombolysis for Acute Ischaemic Stroke. Medical Journal Armed Forces India. 2007;63(4):398.
- Hassan KM, Khurana D, Lal V, Prabhakar S. A randomized blinded clinical and electrophysiological study of Bell’s palsy treatment with acyclovir and prednisolone compared with prednisolone alone. Ann of Ind Acad of Neurol. 2006;9(1):22.
- Khurana D, Bapuraj JR, Khandelwal N, Hassan KM, Mishra S, Prabhakar S. Top of the basilar artery syndrome following thrombolysis in acute basilar artery occlusion. European Journal of Neurology. 2005;52(2):1049.
- Hassan KM, Ghosh MK. Radical cure of vivax malaria: 5 or 14 days? J Assoc Phy India. 2002; 50:1200.
- Hassan KM, Ghosh MK. Radical cure of vivax malaria: Five or 14 days? Medical Journal Armed Forces India. 2002;58(3):285-86.
- Hassan KM, Murthy D. The changing pattern of multi-drug resistant enteric fever. J Assoc Phy India. 2001:49:1043.
- Mathew I, Hassan KM. Disseminated tuberculosis with ocular tuberculoma and disseminated candidiasis in AIDS. J Assoc Phy India. 2001; 49:841-42.
- Hassan KM, Varadarajulu R, Sharma SK, Motwani H, Mishra DK, Dhall A, Mohapatra AK. Cerebral venous thrombosis in a patient of PNH following aplastic anaemia. J Assoc Phy India. 2001; 49:753-55.
- Mathew I, Hassan KM. Neurocysticercosis presenting as reversible Parkinsonian syndrome. J Assoc Phy India. 2001; 49:288-89.
- Hassan KM, Mathew I. Guillain Barre syndrome in an HIV seropositive subject. J Assoc Phy India. 2000; 48:1214.
- Mathew I, Hassan KM. Tuberculous peritonitis – an uncommon presentation(Correspondence). J Assoc Phy India. 2000; 48:1135.
- Hassan KM, Mathew I. Neurocysticercosis presenting as chronic meningitis(Correspondence). J Assoc Phy India. 2000; 48:940.
- Garg MK, Hassan KM, Saini JS. Unusual case of atrial fibrillation in thyrotoxicosis. Medical Journal Armed Forces India. 1998;54(4):377.
- Chauhan A, Madan H, Hassan KM, Kalra SP. Weber’s syndrome due to brainstem toxoplasmosis. J Assoc Phy India. 1998;46(1):36.
- Hassan KM. Resurgence of MT malaria amongst troops in the North-east (letter to editor). Medical Journal Armed Forces India. Oct 1994;50(4):307.
Non-indexed publications and book chapter(s)
- Hassan KM. Subacute bacterial endocarditis and acute stroke. Proceedings of HEART and STROKE Conference. Nov 2013 AIIMS, New Delhi.
- Hassan KM. Acute ischemic stroke: current perspectives. Reviews in Neurosciences. Department of Neurosciences. Army Hospital (R and R):2012;76-80.
- Hassan KM. Stroke is curable in the first 4.5 hours. Proceedings of 5th Anniversary of Stroke Foundation of Bengal, Jun 2011.
- Hassan KM. Acute ischemic stroke: current perspectives. CME 2011. Bhutan.
- Hassan KM, Kumar Dheeraj. A stroke too good to treat or good to treat! Stroke Talk, Issue 10
- Hassan KM, Aditya Verma, Sudeep Prakash, Amandeep Singh, Salil Garg, S Rohatgi. Role of carotid atherosclerotic disease in non-cardioembolic anterior circulation strokes less than 50 years: Interim analysis of an ongoing observational study. Stroke Talk; Issue 5
- Hassan KM. About the stroke team, stroke care unit and stroke protocols. Therapy Insights. Stroke Talk Jan 2010; Issue 3
- SP Gorthi, Hassan KM. Management of acute ischemic stroke. Handbook of Medical Emergencies. AFMC Pune. 2010;10-15.
- S Rohatgi, Y Uday, Hassan KM. Status epilepticus – current perspectives. Handbook of Medical Emergencies. AFMC Pune. 2010;1-9.
- Y Uday, Hassan KM, SP Gorthi, S Rohatgi. Issues in management of acute ischemic stroke: what, how and why? Emerging Trends in Management of Stroke. Proceedings of National Stroke CME, 27 – 28 Jun 2009, AFMC – Command Hospital, Pune:38-49.
- SP Gorthi, S Shankar, S Rohatgi, Hassan KM. A case of sudden onset muscle weakness and agitated sensorium. Saturday Clinics of AFMC. 2nd Ed, 2009;23-28.
- Hassan KM, SP Gorthi, Atul Jha. Clinical and genetic approach to an adolescent male with toe walking. Saturday Clinics of AFMC. 2nd Edition, 2009;10-22.
- SP Gorthi, SK Saul, Hassan KM, S Rohatgi. A case of sudden onset focal neurological deficit in a young lady. Saturday Clinics of AFMC. 2nd Edition, 2009;1-9.
- YS Sirohi, S Rohatgi, Hassan KM. Intractable epilepsy. Progress in Neurosciences. ISSN 0973-6050. 2006; Vol III:43-47.
- Raman Sahgal, Hassan KM. Organophosphate poisoning: a reappraisal. Proceedings of the Update on Emergencies in Medicine. Base Hospital Delhi Cantt. Nov 2003:186-90.
- I Mathew, Hassan KM, MK Bhandari. Abdominal tuberculosis: a reappraisal. Proceedings of the National Medicine Update. AFMC. Mar 2000:119-31.
- Hassan KM, I Mathew. Leptin: the tale of an obesity gene. Proceedings of the National Medicine Update. AFMC, Pune, 2000:60-7.